Friday, 18 October 2013

My poll results

I put a poll up on my blog, this asked a variety of questions to people who went on my blog. These questions were based on things that would help me develop my music video, determine certain factors such as what my target audience should be. What stylistic features I should focus on to create a product that people within my target audience will like.

The first question I asked was 'what is your Gender?' depending on the results would determine what story my music video would take. The results were as follows:

The results that I gathered were that more females took part in my poll, however this was only by one vote. This shows me that I should aim my music video to both genders, as I am going to go with a narrative music video I need it to appeal to both genders to be successful. The storyline that I believe I am going to create, follows the life of a boy. It shows how he is in-love with a girl, and how he believes she is always with him. This could attract a male audience as it is shown from the boys perspective, the element that would attract the female audience would be that a girl is shown all the way through the musi video, but she is shown with the main star(the artist) but also shown with other various men, showing that she is not in a relationship, but see's a lot of different men and is seen as 'carefree'. 

My next question is 'what age are you?'. This shows me what age range I am dealing with. The results were as follows: 
The results show me that the majority of people that took part in my poll are between the ages of 15 and 24. However, all ages did complete my poll, so this shows me that other people are interested within the media. This question then links with the next which is 'What age do you think music videos are targeted at?' The results for this question are: 

This comparison between the two show me that even though all age ranges took part in the poll, the majority of people believe that music videos are aimed at the age range of 15-24. This tells me that if the audience of my blog believe this, I should take this on board, and have a young cast. Preferably that falls between this age range, this would attract an audience of similar ages to the cast, and would give me higher ratings. 

The next question I asked was 'What do you think is the most important stylistic feature in a music video?' This question can allow me to understand what an audience want from a music video, and what music videos they prefer overall. The results are as follows: 
The results were that Editing and Mise-en-scene are considered the most important features in a music video. This evidence then shows me that I should focus on these two areas the most, but personally I believe all three key areas are very important. So Overall I will focus on Cinematography when it comes to my storyboard so I can create a realistic looking video, but I will concentrate and plan what my mise-en-scene will be. This is so I can create a good product which will fall between the genre I have chosen. I will then look at a lot of Indie-pop genre music videos so I can gather what edits they use within the videos.

The next question I asked was 'What music do you listen to the most?' This can tell me what the majority vote is for the people who look at my blog. This will give me an idea what genre is most popular. The results were as follows:
According to my poll, it shows that the majority of people listen to the Indie and Pop genres. This is very good as this is the genre that I have chosen for my brief genre. I have chosen 'Indie-Pop'. This shows me that I am appealing to the correct audience already which is very good. 

The next question I asked was 'What music videos do you prefer?' This will tell me what I should involve within my video, if I should have it of narrative nature, matching lyrics or even telling a story within itself, or maybe I should create a performance video of the artist performing, writing, or producing the song itself. My third option is abstract, which isn't very conventional of the Indie-Pop genre, but if the audience of this genre would prefer to see this in action with an Indie-Pop genre, then maybe I could get more views through challenging these roles. The results were as follows:
The results of this poll tell me that the audience of Indie-Pop genre would prefer to see the artist perform the song, or have a narrative setting within the video. As the votes are exactly half I believe I am going to combine both ideas, and have both of them feature in my music video. I could combine these, and have the narrative be the main element of the video, but within the music video have shots where the artist is seen performing the song. I could incorporate this to be within the narrative itself, or just show the artist in a setting that is conventional of an artist performing. 

In conclusion all of these questions have helped me develop my ideas for my music video, they have also given me new ideas which I can involve within my product, and how I can relate it back to my target audience. 

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