Thursday, 3 April 2014

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Through the duration of my course I looked at features which would appear in all texts of a promotional package, I used technologies of those stated in question 4 to help me with this. I figured out features such as using the same font, using the same talent, using the same colour schemes. From this I then created a magazine advert and a digipak which all use these aspects. Such as, my genre is 'indie-pop' and due to this the lead females hair fits well within this category, and as her hair is so bright and she is a main character within my music video i used the pink of her hair to drag this into my digipak and my magazine advert. However I did not use much on my magazine advert and I could not find anywhere it could go apart from in the photo triangle that I had created which included screen grabs from my music video, other than that I didn't want to use such a different design to that used on the front cover of my digipak. 

Another aspect that I believe makes my products effective is that I have used two people who are within the age range of my demographic, doing so brings in the audience I want. But also allows the audience to be attracted to my talent, as most people who watch music videos do so to see their favourite people on their screen. But also using people from my demographic age also allows the audience to connect with the narrative better as they can then sympathize with the characters and understand how they feel as they may have been through the situation these characters are living through. Due to this it would allow people to share their feelings through videos and encourage them to share the video. 

Another feature I used was tying the album name to the song, I did this via naming the album 'Numbers' this is because the song is 'I love you 5' not 'I love you five'. Then having to make up the rest of the songs within the featured album I then incorporated numbers into each song to get this aspect across. But I also added the album name to the digipak and onto the magazine advert so this is also creating links between all three making them more effective so people can identify them as belonging to each other. 

Do you think that these three media products are effective as a promotional package?

All the people that I asked this question to said yes they do. One person expanded on this idea and said at across all three media texts I have used the same male lead to they are easily relatble to each other. This could also be due to the fact that i've used screen grabs from my music video so the images on each are the same product, or this could be due to using a similar colour scheme.

Can you see any clear links?
One person said that the pink of the females hair is then brought across into the digipak on the cd's so this is a clear link. Another person said that some of the pictures have been taken directly from the  music video to create the triangle used on the front cover of the album. This then backs up my thoughts on question 1.

Do you think they work well together?
All people I asked said yes, so this shows me that the links I created between the three products work well and can clearly draw them together to be an effective promotional package.

Is there anything you would do to improve any product?
One person said no, and another person said that I could add pink onto the magazine advert, as my music video has a female lead in it, and using this I have then used pink within my digipak to bring this factor across so they link more. However I did not think to add pink to my music magazine, no one in my feedback had said this so this opinion is good, however I wish i had found it before this moment so I had time to change it and update it. Another comment was that there should have been more performance shots within my music video, and I can understand this as I used a lot of performance a the beginning, and after this I didn't use much only during the narrative. So maybe I should have considered this more.

Overall I believe that due to the feedback I was given through these videos I created an effective promotional package that entices the viewer to share the video to others, and to eventually buy the song when it is out. 

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